Minami-Odori Bldg. 5F, Odori Nishi 10-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan 060-0042


Names of Documents


法定調書合計表/ほうてい ちょうしょ ごうけい ひょう/Houtei Chosho Goukei Hyo


=Legal Record Total Table 

(The latest withholding tax return for annual salary amount)

This is different from 源泉徴収票(see below). You have to ask your employer a copy of this document. 

Sample format:


源泉徴収票/げんせん ちょうしゅう ひょう/Gensen Choshu Hyou

= Certificate of income and withholding tax / certificate of tax deducted / withholding slip

Sample format:


身元保証書/みもと ほしょうしょ/Mimoto Hoshousho

=Letter of Guarantee

Sample format:

Japanese http://www.moj.go.jp/content/000007381.pdf

English http://www.moj.go.jp/content/000007382.pdf

課税証明書/のうぜい しょうめい しょ/Kazei Shoumeisho

=Taxation Certificate / Tax Certificate

納税証明書/のうぜい しょうめいしょ/Nouzei Shoumeisho

=Tax Payment Certificate

=You can request a copy of resident tax / tax payment certificate by post. Please contact municipal office for details.


=Income Tax 


=Resident Tax

The immigration generally requests to submit Tax Certificate and Tax Payment Certificate of this Resident Tax for residence status applications.

決算報告書/けっさん ほうこくしょ/Kessan Houkokusho

=Financial Statements / Financial Results

理由書/りゆう しょ/Riyusho

=Statement of Reasons

説明書/せつめい しょ/Setumeisho

= (Written) Explanation


=Curriculum Vitae / Resume / Personal History

在職証明書/ざいしょく しょうめいしょ/Zaishoku Shoumeisho

=Certificate of Employment

In some cases, this word also refers to a Reference Letter which you need to submit to prove your professional experience in a particular field. 

退職証明書/たいしょく しょうめいしょ/Taishoku Shoumeisho

=Certificate of Retirement / Retirement Certificate

卒業証書/そつぎょう しょうしょ/Sotsugyou Shousho

=Certificate of Graduation / Diploma

This generally refers to the original copy of a diploma or academic certificate.

卒業証明書/そつぎょう しょうめいしょ/Sotsugyou Shoumeisho

=Certificate of Graduation

This generally refers to a certificate (not the original diploma) issued by the school.

雇用契約書/こよう けいやくしょ/Koyou Keiyakusho

=Employment Contract

労働条件通知書/ろうどう じょうけん つうちしょ/Roudou Jouken Tsuchisho

=Notice of Employment


=Articles of Incorporation / Articles of Association

登記簿謄本/とうきぼ とうほん/Toukibo Touhon

=Certified Copy of a Register (of a company or real-estate)

事項全部証明書/ぜんぶ じこう しょうめいしょ/Zenbu Jikou Shoumeisho

=Certificate of All Records (of a family registry or company registration)

営業許可書/えいぎょう きょかしょ/Eigyou Kyokasho

=Business License. E.g. Restaurant or used good merchant

事業計画書/じぎょう けいかくしょ/Jigyou Keikakusho

=Business Plan

The immigration generally requests to include a profit and loss projection for the next 12 months.

会社四季報/かいしゃ しきほう/Kaish Shikihou

= Quarterly Corporate Report / JAPAN COMPANY HANDBOOK

A quarterly publication of Japanese listed companies. 


損益計算表/そんえき けいさんひょう/Soneki Keisanhyou

=Profit and Loss Statement

貸借対照表/たいしゃく たいしょうひょう/Taishaku Taishouhyou

=Balance Sheet


= (Floor) plan, drawings


= Photo/picutre

外国人従業員名簿/がいこくじん じゅうぎょういん めいぼ/Gaikokujin Jugyouin Meibo = List of foreign employees


= Originals


= Photocopy. Same as コピー



明らかにする資料/あきらかにする しりょう/Akirakanisuru Shiryou

=Material that gives “clear view” of …

活動状況/かつどう じょうきょう/Katsudou Joukyou

=Status on the activities (of an applicant or company/business)

提出できない場合は/ていしゅつ できない ばあいは/Teishutu Dekinai Baaiha

=If you can not submit…



Status of Residence

在留資格/ざいりゅう しかく/Zairyu Shikaku


外交/がいこう/Gaikou = Diplomat

公用/こうよう/Kouyou = Diplomat

教授/きょうじゅ/Kyouju = Professor

芸術/げいじゅつ/Geijutsu = Artist

宗教/しゅうきょう/Shukyou = Religious Activities

報道/ほうどう/Houdou = Journalist

経営・管理/けいえい・かんり/Keiei Kanri = Business Manager

(投資・経営/とうし・けいえい/Toushi Keiei = Investor/Business Manager)

法律・会計業務/ほうりつ・かいけいぎょうむ/Houritsu Kaikei Gyoumu = Legal/Accounting Services

医療/いりょう/Iryou = Medical Services

研究/けんきゅう/Kenkyuu = Researcher

教育/きょういく/Kyouiku = Instructor

技術/ぎじゅつ/Gijutsu = Engineer

人文知識・国際業務/じんぶんちしき・こくさいぎょうむ/Jinbunchishiki Kokusai Gyoumu = Specialist in Humanities / International Services


= Intra-company Transferee

興行/こうぎょう/Kougyou = Entertainer

技能/ぎのう/Ginou = Skilled Labor

技能実習/ぎのうじっしゅう/Ginou Jisshuu = Technical Intern Training

文化活動/ぶんかかつどう/Bunka Katsudou = Cultural Activities

短期滞在/たんきたいざい/Tanki Taizai = Temporary Visitor

留学/りゅうがく/Ryugaku = Student

研修/けんしゅう/Kenshu = Trainee

家族滞在/かぞくたいざい/Kazoku Taizai = Dependent

特定活動/とくていかつどう/Tokutei Katsudou = Designated Activities

永住者/えいじゅうしゃ/Eijusha = Permanent Resident

日本人の配偶者等/にほんじんのはいぐうしゃなど/Nihonjin no Haigusha nado

= Spouse or Child of Japanese National etc.

永住者の配偶者等/えいじゅうしゃのはいぐうしゃなど/Eijusha no Haigusha nado 

= Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident

定住者/ていじゅうしゃ/Teijusha = Long-Term Resident


Notice of granting or not granting permission 



Notice of not granting Certificate of Eligibility 



This is to inform you that the application for the Certificate of Eligibility submitted on behalf of the above mentioned person (dated    , application no.     ) has been denied because the requirements stated below have not been me for the following reasons.


申請に係る活動が「  」の在留資格に係る出入国管理及び難民認定法別表第〇の下欄に定められている(身分又は地位を有する者としての)活動に該当するとは認められません。

The activities stated in the application are deemed not to come under the activities of residence (     ) stipulated in the lower column of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act attached table.



The activities to be conducted are deemed not to require knowledge in natural science or humanities or thoughts or sensitivities based on a foundation of foreign culture.



The activities to be conducted are deemed not to require sophisticated skills.



Judging from the past records of entry, departure and stay of the applicant, the statements in the application are deemed not to be credible.



The activities stated in the application are deemed not to be credible.


「   」の在留資格に係る出入国管理及び難民認定法の第7粂第1項第2号の基準

を定める省令の定める基準第 号  に適合するとは認められません。

The applicant is deemed not to meet the criteria provided for under No. ( ) for the status of residence (    ) stipulated in the Ministerial Ordinance to Provide for Criteria Pursuant to Article 7, Paragraph 1(2) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.


出入国管理及び難民認定法第22条第2項第 号に適合すると認められません。

Your case is not in conformity with provisions of Article 22, paragraph 2 ( ) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.



Judging from the past record of your stay in Japan so far, your case is not in conformity with provisions of Article22, paragraph 2 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.








 Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00 by appointment 



 月~金: 9:00 - 17:00 (要予約)